123 research outputs found

    Strategi Kerjasama Sekolah Dengan Dunia USAha Dan Dunia Industri (Du/di) Dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Lulusan Pada Smk Negeri 3 Banda Aceh

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    : Strategy is an art to manage resources in order to achieve the goals effectively and efficiently. This study aimed to find out the capability of principal in establishing cooperation, including cooperation program between vocational high school (SMK) and business and industrial organization (DU/DI), mechanism of cooperation between SMK and DU/DI to improve the competence of graduates, and factors that influenced the cooperation between SMK and DU/DI. This study used qualitative approach with descriptive method. Techniques of data collection used were interview, observation, and documentation study. Subjects of this study were DU/DI, principal, vice principal for public relations, and school counselors in State SMK 3 of Banda Aceh. It was found from the results of the study that the cooperation programs between SMK and DU/DI were shown from the school's vision and mission, the formulation of curriculum, the implementation of cooperation and the assessment report of cooperation. The mechanism of cooperation was shown from the agreement of both parties in the form of MOU in the implementation of industrial practice and other cooperation, which were guest speaker, the implementation of competency test, and other seminars. Factors that influenced the cooperation between SMK and DU/DI in improving the competence of graduates were shown from the involvement and the commitment of school personnel in formulating school's regulation and profile. It is hoped that the principal and vice principal for public relations can foster the cooperation continuously. The cooperation that bases on the MOU should be socialized, so that both parties can exercise their rights and fulfill their obligations effectively. It is also hoped that State SMK 3 of Banda Aceh and the stakeholder can be more communicative in establishing cooperation in improving the competence of graduates of State SMKN 3 of Banda Aceh

    Pembinaan Kompetensi Profesional Guru Oleh Kepala Sekolah Pada SMP Negeri 2 Kota Sigli

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    Coaching of teachers is one form of business to enhance the professional competence of teachers in achieving quality learning period on SMP Negeri 2 Sigli. This study aims to determine teacher training in: (1) the process of preparing the learning program are: curriculum, syllabus, lesson plans, annual program, the semester program, and details of the effective week. (2) fostering the implementation of learning, namely: the initial activity to open the lesson, explaining the materials, instructional media, learning methods, learning resources, and KKM. (3) fostering enhancement of professional competence of teachers are: supervision, refresher courses, seminars, and MGMP. The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative approach, this research sites in SMP Negeri 2 Sigli. Data collection techniques in the study carried out directly by the researcher through interviews, observation, and study documentation. The subject of this research is the principal, vice principal areas of the curriculum, and teacher SMP Negeri 2 Sigli. The results obtained are: (1) principals in the process of preparing teachers to foster learning programs such as the RPP, the annual program, the semester program, and details of the effective week. (2) fostering the principal teachers in the implementation of the learning done by describing the materials, instructional media, learning methods, learning resources. (3) school head teachers to foster improvement of professional competence by way of supervision, Panataran, seminars and enable MGMP as well as providing facilities and infrastructure

    Supervisi Pengajaran Oleh Kepala Sekolah Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru Di SMP Negeri 12 Banda Aceh

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    : Supervise instruction represent one of activity able to improve teacher performance. This research aim to for the mendeskripsikan of process compilation program, program execution and factors influencing execution supervise instruction by headmaster at SMPN 12 Banda Acheh. This Research use approach qualitative. Data collecting observation, documentation and interview. Source of data headmaster, curriculum area headmaster proxy, student and teacher. Result of research indicate that (1) Compilation program supervise instruction every early school year, in the form of activity class observation, individual meeting, staff meeting, senior tuition, workshop, permit and training learn. (2) Execution supervision; activity Observation class by headmaster visit class to see directly ability teacher teach. Individual meeting at the time of there teacher discipline collision, good intern conflict teacher with sejawat or teacher with student. Activity Workshop scheduled and packed into Cost Estimate Plan School. Activity Training usually learn only as participant, where headmaster send delegation learn to follow various activity training, hereinafter the teacher obliged to socializing in the form of activity staff meeting. Headmaster also always give recommendation to continue education to teacher according to regulation going into effect, (3) Factors influencing execution supervise instruction by headmaster in improving performance learn SMP Country 12 Banda Acheh, that is: fund supporting activity supervise not yet is adequate, (b) support On duty Education to activity supervise not yet is optimal, (c) essence supervise not yet been comprehended by all teacher so that activity supervise kadangkala interpreted as effort look for weakness teacher, (d) teachers owning old year of service or almost pension not too care to make-up of its profession development and performance

    Risk Mitigation Strategies for the Prepaid Card Issuer in Australia

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    The prepaid card market in Australia is growing rapidly. Its features not only attract customers from all sorts of backgrounds but also expose it to numerous risks. Using the methodology of the Australian Risk Management Standard AS/NZS4360, this paper looks at the risks inherent in prepaid cards. Concentrating on two major risks, the paper details the regulations governing the industry in the USA as well the technical controls employed by the credit/debit card industry. We suggest risk mitigation strategies from these two view-points, aiming to become an important reference both for industry as it adopts better risk mitigation techniques, and for government as it improves the laws and regulations governing this industry

    An economic analysis of time-based Demand Response programs and facts devices implementation for congestion management

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    This paper explores the utilization of combination of Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS) devices, time-based Demand Response (DR) programs, and Generation Redispatch (GR) in short-term congestion management as well as minimization of generation costs in power systems. To achieve this, a multi-stage market clearing procedure is formulated. At the first stage, the market is cleared based on generation cost minimization, without considering network constraints. Market clearing formulation for the second stage is developed considering congestion, in which FACTS device (Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC)), and time-based DR programs (Time of Use (TOU)) are optimally coordinated with GR in the presence of network constraints, to manage congestion at minimum costs. In addition, to make conditions more realistic, operational conditions spanning for a day (24 hours) are considered in this study. Then capabilities of these approaches in different scenarios for congestion management as well as minimization of generation costs are examined on IEEE 14-bus system. Results show that although, applications of time-based DR programs are more effective as compared to other approaches in terms of generation cost reduction but they have limited capability for congestion management due to consumption of responsive loads which usually decreases in one period and increases in another

    Unsupervised Segmentation of Action Segments in Egocentric Videos using Gaze

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    Unsupervised segmentation of action segments in egocentric videos is a desirable feature in tasks such as activity recognition and content-based video retrieval. Reducing the search space into a finite set of action segments facilitates a faster and less noisy matching. However, there exist a substantial gap in machine understanding of natural temporal cuts during a continuous human activity. This work reports on a novel gaze-based approach for segmenting action segments in videos captured using an egocentric camera. Gaze is used to locate the region-of-interest inside a frame. By tracking two simple motion-based parameters inside successive regions-of-interest, we discover a finite set of temporal cuts. We present several results using combinations (of the two parameters) on a dataset, i.e., BRISGAZE-ACTIONS. The dataset contains egocentric videos depicting several daily-living activities. The quality of the temporal cuts is further improved by implementing two entropy measures.Comment: To appear in 2017 IEEE International Conference On Signal and Image Processing Application

    A new technique to reduce overshoot in pneumatic positioning system

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    This paper presents a new approach for improving the performance of the pneumatic positioning system by incorporating a nonlinear gain function with observer system. System identification technique has been employed to represent the pneumatic system, while a model predictive control (MPC) with the observer system has been employed as the main controller to control the positioning of the system. The nonlinear gain function has been incorporated with the control strategy to compensate nonlinearities and uncertainties inherent in the parameters of the system. Unconstrained and constrained cases of control signals have been considered in this study. Simulation based on Matlab/Simulink indicated a reduction in overshoot of the system response for both cases due to additional nonlinear gain function in the strategy. Furthermore, remarkable enhancement was observed in effectiveness of this function while incorporated in constrained case, when this new strategy successfully improved the transient response in the pneumatic positioning system

    Makanan Siap Saji dan Dampaknya terhadap Kesehatan Manusia

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    Makanan siap saji (instan) merupakan makanan yang sangat mudah dan cepat diolah sebagai pengganti makanan rumahan. Makanan ini menggunakan zat aditif  berupa bahan pengawet, penyedap, pemanis mapun suplemen. Dewasa ini penggunaan zat aditif pada makanan instan tidak dapat dihindari untuk menjamin persediaan dan peningkatan mutu makanan. Karenanya makanan instan digemari oleh banyak orang. Bahan-bahan tambahan tersebut dapat berupa bahan organik, ataupun anorganik yang memungkinkan bahan dasar makanan tetap dalam bentuk aslinya akan tetapi memungkinkan pula bahan-bahan dasar makan mengalami perubahan-perubahan akibat terjadinya reaksi-reaksi selama proses penyimpannya. Selain manfaatnya seperti tersebut, zat  aditif juga dapat berdampak negatif terhadap kesehatan manusia, namun hanya sedikit orang yang mengetahuinya. Tulisan ini menyajikan informasi menegenai jenis makanan siap saji dan dampak negatifnya terhadap kesehatan manusia. Tujuannya untuk memberikan kesadaran dan meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat agar tercipta  generasi yang  sehat  dan  kuat

    A general framework for improving electrocardiography monitoring system with machine learning

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    As one of the most important health monitoring systems, electrocardiography (ECG) is used to obtain information about the structure and functions of the human heart for detecting and preventing cardiovascular disease. Given its important role, it is vital that the ECG monitoring system provides relevant and accurate information about the heart. Over the years, numerous attempts were made to design and develop more effective ECG monitoring system. Nonetheless, the literature reveals not only several limitations in conventional ECG monitoring system but also emphasizes on the need to adopt new technology such as machine learning to improve the monitoring system as well as its medical applications. This paper reviews previous works on machine learning to explain its key features, capabilities as well as presents a general framework for improving ECG monitoring system